Loved may be impeded by overbearing tendencies or an inability to express romantic affections openly. With this aspect it is likely that there are issues revolving around possessiveness and or obstacles to the attainment of that which is desired. There is dissonance between Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art and harmony and the planet Pluto which governs taboos, transformation, power struggles and upheavals.

The Venus Square Pluto aspect points to a potential fear or area of difficulty that needs to be dealt with concerning love and power. Their outbursts can reduce others to tears but afterwards, they may feel repentant and remorseful of their actions.

They are deeply sensitive yet emotionally intense and are capable of inflicting pain with their sharp tongue and mean streak. The Venus square Pluto person is likely prone to obsessive behavior and may be unwilling to relinquish whatever power or influence they have other another. At times, their relationships can become unbearable and destructive yet may often persist longer than they should. Their controlling and intense natures may interfere with the quality of their relationships and may effectively run people away from them. There may be a proclivity towards jealousy that can compel the Venus square Pluto individual to obsessively monitor and keep tabs on their significant others.

Violence and vindictiveness could be an issue and the people they love may often feel treated like objects in their possession. The Venus square Pluto personality may exhibit unbridled passion that may get out of hand and sometimes land said person in hot water.